We ask that all members adhere to the following rationale though exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis:
- Must be active Roman Catholics and in full communion with all teachings of the Church and His Holiness, the current Pope.
- Must have received their First Communion though Confirmation is recommended (to ensure knowledge of subject matter in members).
- Must be willing to defend the Catholic Church in prayer or online & participate as often as possible though this is subject to the schedule of the individual.
- Must be active (non-silent) members of the pro-life movement in their community.
Oath of Initiation
Because another member may not always be physically present at the initiation of a new member into the Archangelati, most oaths are done online and do not follow any specific format other than meeting the above requirements. However, when possible, the below Oath of Initiation to the Archangelati is advised or at least one of a similar effect:
"I, N., promise to defend the faith and all beliefs of the Most Holy Catholic Church, the One True Christian Church established by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I promise to evangelize and defend the faith at all times, educate the uninformed or misinformed, and to pray unceasingly for the Catholic Church and the intentions of His Holiness, Pope N.
I will always attempt to turn my life into a living example and embodiment of Christian morals and so, I call on the aid of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the angels and saints that I might be able to fulfill my promise to the utmost of my ability.
I will strive to come to the aid of all lost or weary souls who have diverged from the Way of Christ and attempt to lead them on to the heavenly kingdom that God has prepared for us.
Therefore, in the presence of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, I am joined to the Archangelati now and forevermore. Amen."