I have a NEW video! This takes a look at the different methods of receiving Holy Communion [America is free to stand OR kneel... ] A few words from His Eminence Cardinal Arinze [he's AMAZING- I've been listening to his interviews all week!] ALSO - a link to an official Vatican document Prot. N. 47/03/L that will clarify a few issues that some Catholics have been known to experience in their local parishes. If you [OR somebody you know!] have been told that you cannot or should not receive the Holy Body & Blood of Jesus Christ while kneeling- please print this out and mail it or present it to your priest. [He needs to know!] Just a little note... I noticed AFTER I posted the video for a SECOND time- that I mispronounced a word [@ 4:18]... I was also corrected by a viewer for my use of the term "crumbs"- what I should have said was "Sacred Particles"... MEA CULPA
Before I get back to writing my FOUR midterm papers [due this next week...] I want to offer a word of encouragement to ANYONE that God has blessed with the opportunity to either see or follow this blog. BE NOT AFRAID! Stand up for the Lord! We often think that only the big stuff we do for Him counts- that's not true! We must do all things with great love- whether its washing the dishes [this can ease the burdens of your spouse- what a great act of love this can be!], cooking dinner for the kids [not just "cooking"- providing the substance necessary for LIFE itself! you hand them not just food on a plate- but nourishment, culture, and love!]... all things can be done with such great love! To do so is to truly "Glorify the Lord with your Life".
Don't forget to pray for our priests, all that are discerning, all abused &/or homeless children, an end in abortion & contraception, an increase in reverence for our Lord (which comes through the spread & adoption of tradition). Please pray for our Bishops & ALL the clergy! May God guide them so that they may better guide us! Please pray for our exorcists as well- we leave them out far too often- they really need our prayers too! May our Heavenly Father Bless you now and forever. May He guide you to the truth, may you open your heart and listen to Him! May He quell all your fears and help you to worship and adore him properly. May you be blessed with good health & happiness & may your family [and all relationships] be healed in whatever manner is needed most!
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